Pricing Creativity Blair Enns Pdf Download

Blair Enns — Pricing creativity and earning $1 million from a book

Event Review: Blair Enns — Pricing Creativity. A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour.

Mark Bannister

QUT Creative Industries Precinct saw author and founder of Win Without Pitching, a sales training and coaching organization for creative professionals, Blair Enns spilt all the secrets from his new book Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour.

First up yes. Yes, you could be forgiven for thinking this w as just a glorified book tour aimed at publishing a new book with the goal of making the author some money. So when Blair kicks the evening off with the statement "I'm going to make $1m from this book" you get the feeling that you are in one of those wealth seminars getting lured into some pyramid scheme. Fast forward 2 hours and the myth is totally busted.

The fact that Blair talks for over 2 hours (seriously, he should have kept on going all night if we'd let him) and still has to fast forward through some of this key points, gives you an insight into the genuine desire he has to help creatives become profitable.

As creatives, we have a real dysfunctional relationship with money. We are torn between wanting to make a living, but seemingly more important is that we want to answer the calling. By that I mean we have this want to smash that brief and create the best possible work we can, even if that means working through the night to achieve it. After the initial romance of the projects wears off we are left with the realisation that all want to be paid what we are worth. This is where value-based pricing takes centre stage and where Blair Enns can help you.

"The fastest way to improve your firm's bottom line is to change the way you price," says Blair Enns. Most of us run on billable hour approach, whether that's an agency or a freelance creative. This method works but you are always tethered to time which restricts creativity as it hovers over you. Most of all, it doesn't take into consideration the actual value your work will generate for your client. Value-based pricing holds the key

Blair's talk distilled pricing theory into principles, rules, tips and through case studies all in a way that made you think why hadn't we been doing this from the start. Chances are that the uber-cool design studio you frequently stalk is applying those exact principles and one for those reasons why their work seems to be on that next level.

So what's the magic formula?

Well, you could try bribing one of the AGDA team members with a few drinks at the next event or simply stump up the money and buy the book! Which evidently, turns out NOT to be a book, it's a guide (or a bible if you'd like) about how we as creatives can improve our own bottom line.

Oh and…

About Blair earning that $1 million for this book consider this, "I think Pricing Creativity can improve the profits of the world's independent creative firms by more than $100,000,000 a year." Still cynical? Well at the event itself we had two audience members openly speak about how they had started using some of Blair's principles and were already seeing huge results.


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